Трифонова. Астрогеофизика. 1962 (En-Ru)
Англо-русский астрогеофизический словарь.
Англо-русский астрогеофизический словарь.
Oxford Russian Dictionary
The most comprehensive and up-to-date Russian dictionary. The dictionary contains 75,000+ entries, 185,000+ references, 290,000+ translations including thorough coverage of modern idioms, British, American English and regional Russian dialects alongside with numerous illustrative examples. It also includes all common abbreviations and acronyms, helpful advice on difficult points of grammar and pronunciation, an indispensable aid for Russian speakers. Unsurpassed in reliability, this new edition is the dictionary of choice for professionals, teachers, academics, parents, and anyone who needs to keep abreast of the Russian language as it is spoken.
Англо-русский теплотехнический словарь.
Скомпилирован на основе электронной версии словаря: Англо-русский теплотехнический словарь. 23 000 терминов. Под ред. канд. тех. наук В. Г. Перкова. – М.: Советская энциклопедия, 1966. – 440 с.
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Ценные бумаги. Англо-русский, русско-английский словарь © Жданова И.Ф. © ДРОФА, 2013