LW eDiscovery (En-En)

Latham & Watkins LLP:

The Book of Jargon® — eDiscovery is one in a series of practice area glossaries published by Latham & Watkins. The definitions provide an introduction to each term and may raise complex legal issues on which specific legal advice is required. The terms are also subject to change as applicable laws and customary practice evolve. The information contained herein is not legal advice and should not be construed as such.

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Голденков. Street’s English (En-Ru)

Голденков М. Street’s English, Словарь-справочник. 2009

В новой книге Михаила Голденкова соединены словарь наиболее употребительных английских слов и выражений, разговорная лексика, примеры выражений, фраз и употребления частей речи в соответствии с современным английским языком в его американском варианте. Словарь содержит более 40 000 слов и выражений.

Это уникальное издание, которое является и справочником, и словарем, и учебником, который позволит освоить в полном объеме живой современный английский язык в его современном варианте.

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Green’s Dictionary of Slang (En-En)

Jonathon Green. Green’s Dictionary of Slang

Green’s Dictionary of Slang is the largest historical dictionary of English slang. Written by Jonathon Green over 17 years from 1993, it reached the printed page in 2010 in a three-volume set containing nearly 100,000 entries supported by over 400,000 citations from c. AD 1000 to the present day. The main focus of the dictionary is the coverage of over 500 years of slang from c. 1500 onwards.

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British Colonial Slang (En-En)

British Colonial Military Terms and Soldier Slang

Many British military slang words had their origin in India and spread from there throughout the Empire. In this list, I put those Indian words and phrases that were Anglicized and that I think native Indians would not have used, such as pukka sahib. In the Indian list, I put words that I think might have been used by either British or Indians or words that were specific to India and Afghanistan. This is a purely subjective placement and very likely full of errors. I could put certain words in both lists, but that, too, would likely be wrong, and placing them in only one list requires less effort from me…

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