American Idioms, Sayings, Expressions, & Phrases (En-En)
Dictionary of American Idioms, Sayings, Expressions & Phrases (Eng-Eng)
Dictionary of American Idioms, Sayings, Expressions & Phrases (Eng-Eng)
The Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy / Simon Blackburn (Eng-Eng)
Eminent philosopher Simon Blackburn offers the most authoritative and up-to-date concise dictionary of philosophy, packed with helpful information for the novice and with astute observations for the expert. Ranging from Aristotle to Zen, the entries cover the entire span of philosophy, from the Vedas to the most recent technical terminology, with ample coverage of important themes from Chinese, Indian, Islamic, and Jewish philosophy.
Cambridge English Pronouncing Dictionary (18th ed.)
Cambridge English Pronouncing Dictionary (18th ed.)
PicDic Visual Dictionary
The Encyclopedia Mythica is an online encyclopedia on mythology, folklore, and legends.
Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases (Eng-Eng)
“To filthy mother fuckers everywhere.”
The HarperCollins Bible Dictionary
Revised and Updated [2011]
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This dictionary contains 1032 images from the LDOCE6 Dictionary.
505 Business English Idioms by Clare Whitmell
Dictionary of Sport and Exercise Science (Eng-Eng)
Mosby’s Medical Dictionary • 10th Edition (Eng-Eng)
A Dictionary of Old Hobo Slang Compiled by Stephen P. Alpert.
Compiled from many books on hoboes, and also some original material supplied to the author.