Lingvo Universal 6.0 (En-Ru)

Англо-русский словарь общей лексики (The Universal English-Russian Dictionary). © ABBYY. 1999. — 1-е изд. Ок. 90 тыс. статей.
Версия (обработки): 3.0
(из линейки ABBYY Lingvo > ramix)
Англо-русский словарь общей лексики (The Universal English-Russian Dictionary). © ABBYY. 1999. — 1-е изд. Ок. 90 тыс. статей.
Версия (обработки): 3.0
(из линейки ABBYY Lingvo > ramix)
Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, 9th Edition (OALD9)
An advanced learner’s dictionary is a monolingual learner’s dictionary, that is, a dictionary written for non-native speakers. It differs from a bilingual or translation dictionary, on the one hand, and a standard dictionary written for native speakers or linguistic scholars, on the other.
A learner’s dictionary is intended for non-native speakers who want information about the meaning and usage of words and phrases. Such dictionaries focus on current meanings, omitting outdated uses; etymology, a staple of standard dictionaries, is also usually omitted. All headwords are explained in uncomplicated language, typically using a core defining vocabulary of some 3,000 words, thus making the definitions more digestible to learners. There are many example phrases and sentences, but no quotations. Appendices and interspersed notes serve the targeted readership, providing additional guidance and help, for example with the usage of false friends, i.e. words that are often confused by learners.
Version (of processing): 4.2
(of the line: Bombist1 > ramix + Romul81)
Новый русский лексикон. Русско-английский словарь с пояснениями под ред. О. П. Бенюха.
В словаре около 3 000 слов и словосочетаний, вошедших в русский язык за последние 10-15 лет. Основными источниками формирования словаря послужили многочисленные литературные произведения, а также средства массовой информации России.
Словарь рассчитан на самый широкий круг пользователей — школьников и студентов, учителей гимназий и профессоров университетов, бизнесменов и гидов, актеров и переводчиков. Кроме того, он будет интересен для всех, кто изучает Россию и русский язык в англоязычном мире.
Oxford Primary English Dictionary, an Illustrated Dictionary for Starters (with sounds and pictures)
Oxford University Press.
Англо-русский словарь компьютерных терминов
John W. Cousin. A Short Biographical Dictionary of English Literature
Этимологический словарь современного русского языка
Составитель А. К. Шапошников
Oxford Advanced Pronunciation Dictionary (9th ed)
Большой англо-русский морской словарь
Dictionary of Spoken Russian, is published for the information and guidance of all concerned.
Л. А. Захарова, А. В. Шуваева. Словарь молодёжного сленга
Томск: Издательский Дом Томского государственного университета, 2014. – 126 с.
Промт и др. Русско-английский юридический словарь
Robert Allen is an experienced lexicographer and writer on a wide range of language topics. He edited the Pocket Oxford edition of Fowler’s Modern English Usage, contributed to the Oxford Companion to the English Language and the Oxford History of English Lexicography, and is editor-in-chief of the Penguin English Dictionary. He has also written two volumes in the Penguin Writers’ Guides series, How to Write Better English and Common Errors and Problems in English. Robert Allen lives in Edinburgh.
This dictionary takes you from a key word or basic idea, such as ‘good’, and shows you more related words or phrases with information on register, context and grammar structures.
Version (of processing): 2.1