Cambridge Business English (En-En)

Cambridge Business English Dictionary

The Cambridge Business English Dictionary is ideal for business English students, business studies students and anyone using English in their work. Informed by the unique Cambridge English Corpus, the dictionary has over 35,000 words, phrases, and meanings, and includes business-specific vocabulary such as ‘quantitative easing’, ‘crowdsourcing’ and ‘black knight’. It also includes help with how to use English naturally in business situations like meetings, conference calls, and emails. A mobile application is also available and sold separately.
Publisher: Cambridge University Press (10 Nov 2011)

Version (of processing): 2.0

(of the line: Viarmx > ramix)

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Oxford Advanced Learner’s 9 | v2 (En-En)

Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, 9th Edition (OALD9)

An advanced learner’s dictionary is a monolingual learner’s dictionary, that is, a dictionary written for non-native speakers. It differs from a bilingual or translation dictionary, on the one hand, and a standard dictionary written for native speakers or linguistic scholars, on the other.

A learner’s dictionary is intended for non-native speakers who want information about the meaning and usage of words and phrases. Such dictionaries focus on current meanings, omitting outdated uses; etymology, a staple of standard dictionaries, is also usually omitted. All headwords are explained in uncomplicated language, typically using a core defining vocabulary of some 3,000 words, thus making the definitions more digestible to learners. There are many example phrases and sentences, but no quotations. Appendices and interspersed notes serve the targeted readership, providing additional guidance and help, for example with the usage of false friends, i.e. words that are often confused by learners.

Version (of processing): 2.0
(of the line: Bombist1 > ramix)

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Webster’s Third New International, Unabridged (En-En)

Англо-английский словарь «Webster’s Third New International, Unabridged» (3-е изд., 1961, 2000* г.). Содержит свыше 296 тыс. словарных статей.

Самый полный словарь английского языка, издаваемый в Америке.

Version (of processing): 3.0
Доработанная версия (с картинками / без картинок)

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Idioms (Ru-En)

Русско-английский фразеологический словарь / Д. И. Квеселевич. © «Русский язык–Медиа», 2001

Словарь содержит около 7 тыс. словарных статей и более 9 тыс. примеров контекстуального перевода фразеологических единиц. В качестве литературных источников словаря было использовано около 1 тыс. произведений русской литературы с тщательно подобранными английскими эквивалентами.
Словарь предназначен для широкого круга читателей: преподавателей, переводчиков, научных работников, аспирантов и студентов в нашей стране, а также за рубежом.

Версия (обработки): 2.0

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Translation & Interpreting (En-En)

A Dictionary of Translation and Interpreting by John Laver and Ian Mason

This dictionary began life as part of a much larger project: The Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Speech and Language (General Editors John Laver and Ron Asher), involving nearly 40 authors and covering all fields in any way related to speech or language. The project, which from conception to completion lasted some 25 years, was finally delivered to the publisher in 2013. A contract had been signed but unfortunately, during a period of ill health of editor-in-chief John Laver, the publisher withdrew from the contract and copyright reverted to each individual contributor…

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