PONS (Ru-En)

The PONS Dictionary English-Russian CONCISE is a medium-sized dictionary with 285,000 keywords, phrases and translations.
Current and comprehensive vocabulary containing around 125,000 keywords and phrases and more than 160,000 translations
Everyone who has to continually look up English or Russian terms in everyday life, in their spare time or even in their job.
General and specialized vocabularies from a variety of fields.
With context examples, information on language use and lots of other important information on grammar.
Версия (обработки): 4.0
(линейка as > ramanuki)
Формат: ABBYY Lingvo DSL
Начало обработки: 16.03.2013
Последние изменения: 25.09.2019
Заголовков: 33793
Карточек: 33760
Адрес папки: Ru-En > Universal > PONS
Условия для скачивания: Subscription.
Образец карточек (GoldenDict):