Oxford Business (En-En)

Oxford Business English Dictionary for learners of English
A dictionary designed for learners who need to understand, speak, read and write English for business. Vocabulary from the main areas of business, including: accounting, banking, computing, finance, import and export, international trade, law, management, sales, shipping and the stock exchange.
Version (of processing) / Версия (обработки): 1.0
Format / Формат: ABBYY Lingvo DSL
Processed by / Обработка — ramix, 2017–2018
Начало обработки: 23.11.2017
Последние изменения: 02.07.2018
Заголовков: 11054
Карточек: 11044
Папка с файлом: En-En > Special > Economy > Oxford Business
Условия для скачивания: Подписка