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US Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary, 1913 edition
Словарь «US Webster’s Unabridged» (изд. 1913 г.). Содержит свыше 182 тыс. словарных статей.
The Penguin English Dictionary 3rd, 2007
Jonathan Gottschall. The Storytelling Animal: How Stories Make Us Human
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2012
Oxford Student’s Dictionary for learners using English to study other subjects (with sounds and pictures)
В папке Plus > _Progs для подписчиков сохранены программные словари:
• Cambridge English Pronouncing Dictionary (CEPD), v. 16 & 18
• Cambridge Learner’s Dictionary English-Russian (CLD)
(в виде ISO-копий с CD-ROM).
Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, 9th Edition (OALD9)
An advanced learner’s dictionary is a monolingual learner’s dictionary, that is, a dictionary written for non-native speakers. It differs from a bilingual or translation dictionary, on the one hand, and a standard dictionary written for native speakers or linguistic scholars, on the other.
A learner’s dictionary is intended for non-native speakers who want information about the meaning and usage of words and phrases. Such dictionaries focus on current meanings, omitting outdated uses; etymology, a staple of standard dictionaries, is also usually omitted. All headwords are explained in uncomplicated language, typically using a core defining vocabulary of some 3,000 words, thus making the definitions more digestible to learners. There are many example phrases and sentences, but no quotations. Appendices and interspersed notes serve the targeted readership, providing additional guidance and help, for example with the usage of false friends, i.e. words that are often confused by learners.
Version (of processing): 2.0
(of the line: Bombist1 > ramix)
Англо-английский словарь «Webster’s Third New International, Unabridged» (3-е изд., 1961, 2000* г.). Содержит свыше 296 тыс. словарных статей.
Самый полный словарь английского языка, издаваемый в Америке.
Version (of processing): 3.0
Доработанная версия (с картинками / без картинок)
English-language Wiktionary, a collaborative project to produce a free-content multilingual dictionary.
All the definitions, examples, synonyms, antonyms and related terms are present.
The rest (translations to other languages, etymology, quotations, etc.) is left out.
Версия (обработки): 2.0
Longman Trove ver. 8
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition
Copyright © 2017 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.
Webster’s New World College Dictionary, 5th Edition
Entries / Headings: 60557
Cards: 60557
Additional material (phrases, collocations, examples from corpus) from Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English 5th Ed. DVD.
This is a great companion for the main Longman DOCE5 dictionary, and it almost doubles the original content of the printed DOCE5 dictionary.
Source: Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English DVD, 5th Ed.
Version (of processing): 3.0