Aviator Slang (En-En)
select Zone 5, tag the bogey
but don’t get in a furball.
Don’t boresight, check six,
bingo to Mom — Got it?
Yes, military pilots really do talk this way! This is not an all-inclusive list of military acronyms, just the type of lingo you’re apt to hear in the Ready-Room, on the flightline, or in the aircraft.
Версия (обработки): 1.0
Lingvo Compiled by EdwART
Обработка — ramix, 2020
Формат: ABBYY Lingvo DSL
Начало обработки: 01.02.2020
Последние изменения: 02.02.2020
Заголовков: 335
Карточек: 306