Most Latin (La-En)

The Most Latin Dictionary (Latin to English)

Version (of processing): 1.0
(of 16/02/2017)

Format: ABBYY Lingvo DSL/LSD

Processing — Igor Mostitsky 2017
Only for Personal Use. No distribution.
Terms of Delivery: AS IS

Subject: Latin universal
Target Audience: learners of Latin (7+)

Created: 13/05/2013
Converted: 16/02/2017
Last Changed: 16/02/2017
Headings: 977
Entries: 977

Terms of Download: Free.

Download: here.

Sample Card:

Звёзд: 1Звёзд: 2Звёзд: 3Звёзд: 4Звёзд: 5

Оценок: 3. Среднее: 5,00 из 5. Поставьте, пожалуйста, свою оценку!


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