Obscure Sorrows (En-En)

The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows (Eng-Eng)

The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows is an English word-construction project by John Koenig, seeking to coin and define neologisms for emotions not yet described in language. The project was launched as a website and YouTube channel, but was later compiled into a printed dictionary in 2021.

Версия (обработки): 1.0.202404031027
Начало обработки: 03.04.2024
Обработка: ramix & co.
Compiled by kuzey
Заголовков: 360
Карточек: 355
Папка: En-En > Special > Other > Obscure Sorrows

Оцените, пожалуйста: Звёзд: 1Звёзд: 2Звёзд: 3Звёзд: 4Звёзд: 5


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