Месяц: Февраль 2020
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Для информации
McGraw-Hill Illustrated Dictionary of Aviation (En-En)
By Bharat Kumar, Dale DeRemer, Douglas Marshall
McGraw-Hill, 2005
Illustrated Dictionary of Aviation is an A-Z compilation of terms, definitions and illustrations, spoken in the aviation world. In general aviation, commercial airline, and military sectors. It can be used as dictionary, as reference, and as a learning tool. Education facilities, both academic and flight-training schools, could utiutilizep-to-date information and terminology.
More than 7,400 terms and meanings define the scope of aviation today.
2,400 illustrations illuminate every aspect of aviation.
Aviator Slang (En-En)
select Zone 5, tag the bogey
but don’t get in a furball.
Don’t boresight, check six,
bingo to Mom — Got it?